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/ Night Owl 23 / Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO / 015a / rime9612.zip

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Archives (5)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
RIME-BBS.ZIP PKZip Archive 9 27KB 1996-12-15
RIME-CHS.ZIP PKZip Archive 8 23KB 1996-12-15
RIME-FTP.ZIP PKZip Archive 8 111KB 1996-12-15
RIME-FTS.ZIP PKZip Archive 7 12KB 1996-12-15
RIMEMAN.ZIP PKZip Archive 8 19KB 1996-12-15

Text (12)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CONF.LST File List 457 30KB 1996-12-15
DESC.SDI Text File 12 362b 1996-12-15
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 12 362b 1996-12-15
HUBS.TXT Text File 244 30KB 1996-12-15
LOCATE.RPT Text File 268 33KB 1996-12-15
NODES.TXT Text File 244 30KB 1996-12-15
PACKING.LST File List 22 766b 1996-12-15
README.TXT Text File 43 2KB 1996-12-15
RIME.APL Text File 106 4KB 1996-12-15
RIMECONF.TXT Text File 5,868 222KB 1996-12-15
STATES.TXT Text File 244 30KB 1996-12-15
WHATSNEW.TXT Text File 25 857b 1996-12-15